HARRY POTTER - Hogwarts Travel Mug
HARRY POTTER - Hogwarts Travel Mug
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HARRY POTTER - Hogwarts Travel Mug

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    HARRY POTTER Travel Mug.

    Harry Potter is a literary fantasy series written mainly by J. K. Rowling, whose novel sequel ended in 2007. A play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, based on an original story by the author, written by Jack Thorne and directed by John Tiffany, was performed in London in 2016. The books and the script for the play have been translated into French by Jean-François Ménard1.

    The saga follows the adventures of an apprentice wizard named Harry Potter and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, run by Albus Dumbledore. The main plot of the series involves young Harry Potter's battle against a reputedly immortal and super-powerful dark wizard, Lord Voldemort (also known as Tom Jedusor), who once murdered his parents. Voldemort, who heads a loyal group of dark wizards known as the Death Eaters, has been seeking absolute power over the wizarding world for decades.